Developer Documentation (API)
- Authentication
- PHP Package
- V2 Endpoints
- Pass Templates
- Get a list of templates
- Describe the structure of a pass template
- Create a new template
- Update a template
- Patch a template
- Publish changes of a template
- Get information about fields of a pass-template only
- Schedule a Push Notification
- List scheduled notifications of a template
- Delete a scheduled Push Notification
- Copy a Pass Template
- Delete a Pass Template
- Create an iFrame Integration for a Template
- Create an URL Integration for a Template
- Passes
- REST Hooks
- Validating passes
- Deprecated endpoints
Returned data for pass objects
All endpoint that return data of passes in a general fashion use a common data format which is described here. Dates are converted to the timezone that is set in your companies settings.
- identifier – the UID of the pass that has the given ID
- uri – the URI of the pass that can be used to update or delete the pass
- generatedId – the ID (this is the one that was given in the request)
- searchString – contains all data on the pass separated by pipe symbols |
- passData – If you’ve specified a custom data format how you want to show data of your pass, this will be returned here
- voided – false, if the pass is not voided, means it has not been used. true, if the pass is voided, means it has been used already. A pass can also be voided because it is expired.
- redeemed – false if the pass hasn’t been used, true if it was used. This value stays the same, no matter if a pass is expired or not.
- createdOn – the date and time when the pass was created
- modifiedOn – the date and time when the pass was modified the last time
- expirationDate – the date and time when the pass expires (if an expiration date is set)
- userProvidedId – if you’ve specified a userProvidedId, it will be returned here
- passTemplateGuid – the GUID of the pass-template that was used to create the pass.
- passTemplateName – the name of the pass-template that was used to create the pass
- linkToPassPage – the URL to the page where your users can download the pass
- thumbnail – if this pass contains a thumbnail (possible for event tickets and membership cards), the URL to the thumbnail image will be returned here. Otherwise null.
- qrCodeImage – the URL to the QR Code that is shown on the pass
- barcodeValue – the value of the barcode of this pass. Please note that this doesn’t mean that the barcode is actually shown. A pass can have a value for this field but the template can be configured so the barcode isn’t shown.
- numberOfActive – the number of active registrations for this pass
- numberOfInactive – the number of inactive registrations for this pass
- numberOfPrinted – how many times the print version of this pass has been printed/downloaded
- passFieldData – all personalised fields of this pass including additional properties as an array.
- eligiblePlaces – a list of places where this pass may be used
- placesUsedAt – an array where the key is the timestamp of the usage date and the value the room. Please note that a pass can be used multiple times at a location if it was scanned multiple times. Only the first usage was valid in such cases.
- storedValue – float. The value of a pass, e.g. the amount of points of a loyalty program
Example data:
"identifier": "f36a13c6-714e-4640-b4ee-b94c8061620c",
"uri": "
"generatedId": "we179wavopfw4zpnae5f7ea7464f4a3",
"searchString": "|
"passData": "",
"voided": false,
"redeemed": false,
"createdOn": "2020-10-08 07:44:38",
"modifiedOn": "2020-10-08 13:43:59",
"expirationDate": "2080-10-08 13:42:00",
"userProvidedId": "",
"passTemplateGuid": "1068b515-7fcb-456f-9abc-0b508b428301",
"passTemplateName": "NFC Pass",
"linkToPassPage": "
"thumbnail": null,
"qrCodeImage": "",
"barcodeValue": "987654321",
"numberOfActive": 1,
"numberOfInactive": 0,
"numberOfPrinted": 0,
"passFieldData": {
"5cb1a40ac68f80.15012600": "",
"5e2721b93da442.17595709": "",
"5e552028e62805.33020425": "SMSTEST",
"5e5e0adfc1b6e4.84503451": "Sepp",
"5f7216b0297200.36897838": "",
"5f7216b02972e2.34068785": ""
"storedValue": 7,
"eligiblePlaces": [
"placesUsedAt": {
"1645625299": "room1",
"1645625531": "room1"