Get a list of templates

POST Request Endpoint URL{pass-template-uid} Purpose Creates a new subscription which means from this point on you’ll receive notifications to the URL provided until you unsubscribe.

Required input parameters

  • HTTP Authorization Header that contains your API key
  • (optional) pass-template UID as part of the URL. This is the pass-template you want to receive notifications for. If you omit the pass-template UID the Hook is registered globally
  • subscription_url – if a user deletes his Passcreator account we’ll try to notify your server by sending a DELETE request to this URL.
  • target_url – this is the URL we will use to push information. The information will always be pushed as JSON payload.
  • event – the event key (e.g. pass_created) that you are subscribing for. Please see the definition of the hooks below to get the keys.

Returned values

On success HTTP status 201 (created) is returned otherwhise a appropriate status code that represents the error.

Example output:

    "subscription_url": "
    "target_url": "
    "event": "pass_created"

Available Hook Types