- Getting Started
- Create a template
- Create passes
- Pass functionality
- Google Wallet
- Push Notifications and Updates
- Updating passes (and sending push notifications)
- About Wallet Push Notifications
- Sending an update to a single pass
- Updating all passes of a template
- Segmentation using Saved Searches
- Sending a message as Push Notification
- Testing Push Notifications
- Location based notifications – troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Push Notifications on Android
- Sending Wallet passes
- Analytics
- Integrating third party systems
- Certificates
- Smart Scan App
- Selling passes
- NFC Passes
- White Labeling
- Users and permissions
- Pass Bundles
Supported NFC Readers
We’ll add device-specific instructions here as we add support for NFC readers to the gifttowallet Smart Scan app.
Currently supported NFC Readers are: