Developer Documentation (API)
- Authentication
- PHP Package
- V2 Endpoints
- Pass Templates
- Get a list of templates
- Describe the structure of a pass template
- Create a new template
- Update a template
- Patch a template
- Publish changes of a template
- Get information about fields of a pass-template only
- Schedule a Push Notification
- List scheduled notifications of a template
- Delete a scheduled Push Notification
- Copy a Pass Template
- Delete a Pass Template
- Create an iFrame Integration for a Template
- Create an URL Integration for a Template
- Passes
- REST Hooks
- Validating passes
- Deprecated endpoints
Search a pass based on its content
GET Request
Endpoint URL{pass-template-uid}/{searchString}
Search for a pass using a keyword contained in its content. This endpoint allows you to e.g. search for a name or e-mail that is not being used in a barcode.
Required input parameters
- HTTP Authorization Header that contains your API key
- UID of the pass-template you want to search passes for
- Search String – the keyword you want to search for
Please note that this endpoint may also take into account passes that contain a similar word than your search phrase. E.g. if you search for ID 12345 you may also receive results for passes containing 1234.
Returned values
JSON-Array containing an array for each pass that has been found.
Look at the common data format to see details about included fields.