Developer Documentation (API)
- Authentication
- PHP Package
- V2 Endpoints
- Pass Templates
- Get a list of templates
- Describe the structure of a pass template
- Create a new template
- Update a template
- Patch a template
- Publish changes of a template
- Get information about fields of a pass-template only
- Schedule a Push Notification
- List scheduled notifications of a template
- Delete a scheduled Push Notification
- Copy a Pass Template
- Delete a Pass Template
- Create an iFrame Integration for a Template
- Create an URL Integration for a Template
- Passes
- REST Hooks
- Validating passes
- Deprecated endpoints
List App Scans (Paginated)
GET Request
Endpoint URL{appConfigurationId}?start=0&pageSize=100
optional including filters:{appConfigurationId}?createdSince=dateTime&start=0&pageSize=100 (e.g. 2017-05-01 20:55:00)
Returns a list of all scans based on the given criteria ordered by created on date starting at the given index (start-parameter). The pageSize defines how many results you’ll get with one request.
You can optionally use the createdSince parameter to only return scans that have been created or modified since the given date.
Required input parameters
- HTTP Authorization Header that contains your API key
- appConfigurationId (optional) – the ID of the app configuration you want to get scans for
- start – the offset where the query should start (defaults to 0)
- pageSize – the number of results per query (maximum is 100, default is 100)
start and pageSize define the pagination, e.g. the first page is start=0 and pageSize=100, the second page is start=100 and pageSize=100 - (optional) createdSince – a date in the format Y-m-d H:i (e.g. 2021-07-01 15:30). If set, the result set will only include scans that have been created at or after that date and time.
Returned values
- query – information about the current query
- start – the start parameter you’ve specified. Defaults to 0
- pageSize – the pageSize you’ve specified. Defaults to 100.
- self – the URL of the current request
- next – the URL of the next page. If no next parameter is returned this means you’ve reached the end of the list.
- total – the total number of results for your query
- results – an array of scans.
Example output:
"query": {
"start": 0,
"pageSize": 2,
"self": "
"next": "
"total": 147,
"results": [
"scanStatus": 2,
"createdOn": "2021-01-27 14:57:55",
"createdOnUtc": "2021-01-27 12:57:55",
"passId": "362f41e0-287c-47ee-a041-0231c40e0627",
"passGeneratedId": "swvcgbqzvz1reovpto60100e7c02b52",
"passSearchString": "|
|{Barcode}|test|01/29/2021 17:10|John Doe|02/05/2121 13:27|",
"passData": "",
"passVoided": false,
"passUserProvidedId": "",
"passTemplateGuid": "a57911fa-e2ff-4178-a100-b2eec8e4a254",
"passTemplateName": "Demo Template",
"appConfigurationId": "74019cd8-f8e1-4ca5-a366-7c64d494cf2f",
"place": "",
"scannedBarcodeValue": "swvcgbqzvz1reovpto60100e7c02b52",
"appScanId": "0158a0b3-d9f8-498c-a8c1-ebf662842704",
"deviceName": "John's iPhone",
"additionalPropertiesScan": [],
"additionalPropertiesPass": {
"5cb1a40ac68f80.15012600": "John Doe",
"600fcc67eb2a77.20005647": "weg"
"scanStatus": 1,
"createdOn": "2021-01-27 09:54:51",
"createdOnUtc": "2021-01-27 07:54:51",
"passId": "362f41e0-287c-47ee-a041-0231c40e0627",
"passGeneratedId": "swvcgbqzvz1reovpto60100e7c02b52",
"passSearchString": "|
/mqzrbwq6xrdkk60100e7c02b0e||weg|John Doe|swvcgbqzvz1reovpto
60100e7c02b52|{Barcode}|test|01/29/2021 17:10|
John Doe|02/05/2121 13:27|",
"passData": "",
"passVoided": false,
"passUserProvidedId": "",
"passTemplateGuid": "a57911fa-e2ff-4178-a100-b2eec8e4a254",
"passTemplateName": "Demo Template",
"appConfigurationId": "74019cd8-f8e1-4ca5-a366-7c64d494cf2f",
"place": "",
"scannedBarcodeValue": "swvcgbqzvz1reovpto60100e7c02b52",
"appScanId": "02d118f0-040c-4e11-85ff-eb7b38b69026",
"deviceName": "John's iPhone",
"additionalPropertiesScan": [],
"additionalPropertiesPass": {
"5cb1a40ac68f80.15012600": "John Doe",
"600fcc67eb2a77.20005647": "weg"