Create an FTP integration

This document describes how you can set up an integration that looks for files on your FTP server and uses these files to automatically create bulk processing jobs that create or update passes.

Specify an FTP account

You first need to specify the information about the FTP server where gifttowallet will download the files that include information about the passes. To do this go to “Integrations” and “Connected accounts” in the menu.
Specify the data the application is asking for. Specifically you need the following data:

  • Hostname of your FTP server
  • Port
  • Username
  • Password
  • If SFTP should be used, you need to enable the checkbox to use SSL

Set up an integration

Now that gifttowallet knows how to connect to your FTP server, you need to tell it what to look for and how to process that data.
To do this, go to “Integrations” in the menu. Then click on “Create new integration”.

Make sure to select “FTP Job” as type and specify the following data:

  • Name – a name that allows you to identify the Integration
  • Type: in this case it’s FTP Job
  • Pass template: the template you want to create passes for
  • FTP Account: the FTP account that you’ve specified in the first step
  • Path on FTP server where to find files – a (preferably) absolute path to the folder where the files can be found

After you click on “Save” gifttowallet will set up a bulk processing job that serves as a blueprint for the jobs that will be created when a new file is found on the FTP server.
Use a file for that blueprint job that contains the same columns as the files that will be found on the FTP server. You can use all features of bulk processing jobs, which means you can create or update passes as well as send them via email or SMS.

After this is done gifttowallet will look on your FTP server for new files every hour. If a file is found a new bulk processing job is created automatically and the file is deleted on from your FTP server.