- Getting Started
- Create a template
- Create passes
- Pass functionality
- Google Wallet
- Push Notifications and Updates
- Updating passes (and sending push notifications)
- About Wallet Push Notifications
- Sending an update to a single pass
- Updating all passes of a template
- Segmentation using Saved Searches
- Sending a message as Push Notification
- Testing Push Notifications
- Location based notifications – troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Push Notifications on Android
- Sending Wallet passes
- Analytics
- Integrating third party systems
- Certificates
- Smart Scan App
- Selling passes
- NFC Passes
- White Labeling
- Users and permissions
- Pass Bundles
Use email templates to send single passes
If you’ve created your own email templates in gifttowallet, you should take a look at the Sendout options tab when editing your email-template.
Prerequisites: you need to enable sending emails or SMS in gifttowallet in order to use this feature. To do this, go to the sendout settings:
There are three options you can choose from:
- Email template for ad-hoc sendout – this will ask for an email address when you create a single pass and use the email template you select to send the pass to that email address after it has been created. This also works using the API endpoints of the gifttowallet API.
- Email template for pass download pages – by default gifttowallet renders a mailto-link on pass download pages. If you select an email template here this will be replaced with a small form that allows users to send the link to the pass simply by entering an email address. There are measures taken to prevent spam.
- Text for Sms after a pass was created – specify the text of an SMS here. If you do, gifttowallet will ask for a phone number when your create a single pass and deliver that SMS after the pass has been created. This also works using the API endpoints of the gifttowallet API.