Using the gifttowallet Smart Scan App

Configuring the app

The gifttowallet Smart Scan app uses configuration profiles to define what passes should be validated and what is supposed to happen after validation (e.g. void the pass or only save the attendance).

New configurations can be created in the gifttowallet online application with the menu Validation – Smart Scan App.

Load a configuration on your smartphone

There are two ways to load a configuration onto your smartphone. The easiest way to configure the app is to create a configuration link. Go to the app configurations in the online application of gifttowallet You’ll see a button “Show configuration links” next to every app configuration you’ve created. To create a new app configuration click on that button and then select “Create app configuration link”.
The option “Can change configuration” defines if a user is allowed to change the configuration in the app. This feature is useful if you e.g. want a user to only validate one pass without knowing your gifttowallet credentials.

Send the link to the configuration via email or scan QR code with the camera of your smartphone. If the app is already installed the configuration will be loaded right away. If the app isn’t installed you’ll be redirected to the App Store and the configuration will be loaded after you’ve installed the app.

The other option to configure the app is to download the app and log in with your gifttowallet username and password. You can select an existing configuration afterwards to configure the app.

Validating Wallet passes

After you’ve configured the Smart Scan app you can validate Wallet passes created for that configuration.

Hold the camera of Smart Scan App up above the barcode of a Wallet pass.

The barcode is recognized automatically and Smart Scan app will tell you if the pass is valid or not.